I first toyed with the idea of writing a blog entitled 'Dear YB' 2 weeks back. It was supposed to be site where all Malaysians can send their photos, videos, grouses, complaints, opinions etc regarding clogged drains, potholes, street lights, you name it, and was to be highlighted for all Malaysians to see the sad state of administration we are in today. The frustration of waiting for it to be published in the newspapers or getting some response from the authorities will be like striking lottery. Hence the need for such a site so as to create urgency to get some repairing done. (Hopefully!)
The site was to be barometer to show which Majlis Perbandaran was slacking or which MP did not turun padang after getting elected.
Be it BN or PR ruled, we as rakyat demand for better services.
I got sidetracked a bit the past couple of days and my thoughts drifted from the pot hole story. Events at the turn of the weekend left a very dry taste in my mouth. Just a mere 3 hours flight time away from us, in Bangkok, 20+ people died when the army opened fire on demonstrators. I am not a fan of the Yellow shirts or the Red shirts nor profess to have a deep understanding of Thai politics.
But I do care for my Malaysia.
I felt more strongly for this topic - Middle Malaysia. After reading and seeing the video below, I put my simple english to work to come up with this site to rally for all Malaysians to take the middle path - middle Malaysia.
I believe that for whatever reasons there may be, rational discussion and the middle path shall and MUST ALWAYS be the best course.
I am a plain simple person who respects Humanity regardless of race, colour or creed.
No matter how you clothe it, skin it, mask it or smoke screen it, Malaysia will be my Malaysia. A simple google search for 'middle Malaysia' yielded 75M results. The reasons for jostling to reclaim the bragging rights stems from the fact that there are millions of us who are in the majority who are rational but who are not vocal. We do not hold rallies nor banners to proclaim our thoughts. We do not hold press conferences nor write memorandums, parade nor demonstrate our state of mind and our love for our country.
But we hold the VOTE!
Politicians are beholden to us, not the other way around.
Call it middle Malaysia, 1 Malaysia, Malaysian Malaysia, work with me not for me, walk the talk, KPIs etc - all we want to see is a just and fair Malaysia for all. No need for grandiose schemes and no need for screaming billboards to proclaim it. We need to see the actual substance, not the rhetorics.
Join me in this cause.
Let me know your definition of middle Malaysia and 1Malaysia.
Send me your comments and aspirations.
PS- 1: Condolences to those who passed away fighting for their democratic rights in Bangkok.
2: dearYB site is being conceived and time permitting will be up soon.
The below video is taken from dailymotion.com
Violent as it may seem, we can make some simple conclusion from this short clip.
Democratic rights have to be exercised judiciously.
There are always the trouble makers in any society - the anarchists if you may so label them.
Prolonged pent up frustrations will only serve to antagonise both parties to their tethers.
But most importantly, no cause or conflict shall be so difficult to resolve that it warrants the taking away of a person's life.
It is not recommended for those under 18 years of age as it depicts some very horrendous scenes especially from 15 second onwards.
Uploaded by LoveRedBkk. - Up-to-the minute news videos.
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