This artlcle really jolted me tonight.
I am not a fan of dry economic data or commentaries. But what stuck out like a sore thumb was this figure from the article:
"The central government bore RM362.5 billion of debt last year, accounting for 52.4 per cent of Gross National Product (GNP). If the government does not control its spending, I am afraid that the government bond rating may fall, leaving the debt on the shoulders of our descendants."
In layman's terms, for every RM1 that was earned, we had to borrow an additional 50sen. And correct me if I am wrong, this will either mean that future generations will have to pay for the debt, either through reduced spending or printing more money.
Reduced spending will mean less services and capital expenditure or renewal for future generations while printing more money will mean higher inflation, reduced purchasing power for future generations.
Any way that you read it, the future looks gloom. You can attend the most optimistic motivational talk, yellow or blue ocean, whatever eagle philosophy or seeing you at the top, the sad fact remains to the purchasing power of our ringgit.
The message being sent out is very clear - grab all you can today, convert it into another currency and you will be worth much more when the ringgit is in a freefall later. I am not trying to be unpatriotic here, I am just trying to see how all this will affect me in the future - a Malaysian who does not accept emigration as an option nor even as a discussion topic. I am Malaysian through and through.
As it is, middle income Malaysians find great trouble to balance their household expenditure vs. their income every month. 10 years ago, I can make do with all the necessities + little savings + some surplus left for some little luxuries.
Today, not only I find it hard to balance the necessities, savings are at a bare minimum and don't even mention having a weekend meal at KFC as being luxury.
I guess this really gives the real meaning to 'living dangerously'. Living dangerously because there isn't much left for buying health insurance, education savings for my children and retirement expenses once I get too old and weak to work and essentially any form of savings.
Those who are well connected gets parcels of land in prime areas to develop another white elephant, leaking buildings and unsinkable submarines while we ordinary folks have to tighten our belts and make do with rojak without the sotong or nasi lemak without the fried chicken.
What really happened to Malaysia the past 10 years?
2 months before Raya, we scramble to pull strings to get stalls to sell Raya stuff. It is the same 2 months before Chinese new year or Christmas. We scramble and toil hard to get some new clothes for the kids. We take it as blessing or rezeki when we make a little extra to have a joyous celebration. Once the few days of holidays are over, we are back to the sad routine for the next 11 months, eagerly awaiting the month end to check the ATM.
It flew past me, and suddenly I am jolted into reality that RM4000 per month just is not enough to sustain my family. I believe that many millions of Malaysians fall within this category, and I also strongly believe that many of us get into trouble by the 10th of every month, sweating and cursing so that month end comes faster.
It is not because that we are big spenders, not because we are lazy nor is it because we are not intelligent enough. Frankly, my friend, it is because of the systematic abuse of our system that we are here today.
For want of a better future, I am apppealing to the Government, there are struggling Malaysians, be it Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban , Kadazan, Dayak etc.. Please do not only enrich the division leaders, or the warlords or little napoleons. The masses of rakyat is finding it hard to get by.
Dear YB!
Why does it have to be like this?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Middle Malaysia
I first toyed with the idea of writing a blog entitled 'Dear YB' 2 weeks back. It was supposed to be site where all Malaysians can send their photos, videos, grouses, complaints, opinions etc regarding clogged drains, potholes, street lights, you name it, and was to be highlighted for all Malaysians to see the sad state of administration we are in today. The frustration of waiting for it to be published in the newspapers or getting some response from the authorities will be like striking lottery. Hence the need for such a site so as to create urgency to get some repairing done. (Hopefully!)
The site was to be barometer to show which Majlis Perbandaran was slacking or which MP did not turun padang after getting elected.
Be it BN or PR ruled, we as rakyat demand for better services.
I got sidetracked a bit the past couple of days and my thoughts drifted from the pot hole story. Events at the turn of the weekend left a very dry taste in my mouth. Just a mere 3 hours flight time away from us, in Bangkok, 20+ people died when the army opened fire on demonstrators. I am not a fan of the Yellow shirts or the Red shirts nor profess to have a deep understanding of Thai politics.
But I do care for my Malaysia.
I felt more strongly for this topic - Middle Malaysia. After reading and seeing the video below, I put my simple english to work to come up with this site to rally for all Malaysians to take the middle path - middle Malaysia.
I believe that for whatever reasons there may be, rational discussion and the middle path shall and MUST ALWAYS be the best course.
I am a plain simple person who respects Humanity regardless of race, colour or creed.
No matter how you clothe it, skin it, mask it or smoke screen it, Malaysia will be my Malaysia. A simple google search for 'middle Malaysia' yielded 75M results. The reasons for jostling to reclaim the bragging rights stems from the fact that there are millions of us who are in the majority who are rational but who are not vocal. We do not hold rallies nor banners to proclaim our thoughts. We do not hold press conferences nor write memorandums, parade nor demonstrate our state of mind and our love for our country.
But we hold the VOTE!
Politicians are beholden to us, not the other way around.
Call it middle Malaysia, 1 Malaysia, Malaysian Malaysia, work with me not for me, walk the talk, KPIs etc - all we want to see is a just and fair Malaysia for all. No need for grandiose schemes and no need for screaming billboards to proclaim it. We need to see the actual substance, not the rhetorics.
Join me in this cause.
Let me know your definition of middle Malaysia and 1Malaysia.
Send me your comments and aspirations.
PS- 1: Condolences to those who passed away fighting for their democratic rights in Bangkok.
2: dearYB site is being conceived and time permitting will be up soon.
The below video is taken from
Violent as it may seem, we can make some simple conclusion from this short clip.
Democratic rights have to be exercised judiciously.
There are always the trouble makers in any society - the anarchists if you may so label them.
Prolonged pent up frustrations will only serve to antagonise both parties to their tethers.
But most importantly, no cause or conflict shall be so difficult to resolve that it warrants the taking away of a person's life.
It is not recommended for those under 18 years of age as it depicts some very horrendous scenes especially from 15 second onwards.
Uploaded by LoveRedBkk. - Up-to-the minute news videos.
The site was to be barometer to show which Majlis Perbandaran was slacking or which MP did not turun padang after getting elected.
Be it BN or PR ruled, we as rakyat demand for better services.
I got sidetracked a bit the past couple of days and my thoughts drifted from the pot hole story. Events at the turn of the weekend left a very dry taste in my mouth. Just a mere 3 hours flight time away from us, in Bangkok, 20+ people died when the army opened fire on demonstrators. I am not a fan of the Yellow shirts or the Red shirts nor profess to have a deep understanding of Thai politics.
But I do care for my Malaysia.
I felt more strongly for this topic - Middle Malaysia. After reading and seeing the video below, I put my simple english to work to come up with this site to rally for all Malaysians to take the middle path - middle Malaysia.
I believe that for whatever reasons there may be, rational discussion and the middle path shall and MUST ALWAYS be the best course.
I am a plain simple person who respects Humanity regardless of race, colour or creed.
No matter how you clothe it, skin it, mask it or smoke screen it, Malaysia will be my Malaysia. A simple google search for 'middle Malaysia' yielded 75M results. The reasons for jostling to reclaim the bragging rights stems from the fact that there are millions of us who are in the majority who are rational but who are not vocal. We do not hold rallies nor banners to proclaim our thoughts. We do not hold press conferences nor write memorandums, parade nor demonstrate our state of mind and our love for our country.
But we hold the VOTE!
Politicians are beholden to us, not the other way around.
Call it middle Malaysia, 1 Malaysia, Malaysian Malaysia, work with me not for me, walk the talk, KPIs etc - all we want to see is a just and fair Malaysia for all. No need for grandiose schemes and no need for screaming billboards to proclaim it. We need to see the actual substance, not the rhetorics.
Join me in this cause.
Let me know your definition of middle Malaysia and 1Malaysia.
Send me your comments and aspirations.
PS- 1: Condolences to those who passed away fighting for their democratic rights in Bangkok.
2: dearYB site is being conceived and time permitting will be up soon.
The below video is taken from
Violent as it may seem, we can make some simple conclusion from this short clip.
Democratic rights have to be exercised judiciously.
There are always the trouble makers in any society - the anarchists if you may so label them.
Prolonged pent up frustrations will only serve to antagonise both parties to their tethers.
But most importantly, no cause or conflict shall be so difficult to resolve that it warrants the taking away of a person's life.
It is not recommended for those under 18 years of age as it depicts some very horrendous scenes especially from 15 second onwards.
Uploaded by LoveRedBkk. - Up-to-the minute news videos.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I like this article by Zeffri.
Zeffri gives his take on why Perkasa have got their admirers - tribalism. He also clearly states his disagreement with their 'struggle' and his reasoning is that tribalism was in vogue when Man was in awe of the thunder. Not anymore now in the age of fibre optics and HD.
His article is exactly what we all in Middle Malaysia subscribe to , but just plain lazy, tidak apa or powerless to swim against the mainstream media spin.
You have to give it to him - Mr Tongkat Ali - couple of acres of extra balak were chopped down to print the newspapers that were selling well with stories of his tribal struggle.
I am not against any race or religion. I am just against people using race or religion to create divisions, enmity or hatred against another. And I am especially allergic to people who use race or religion as justification to promote and market themselves. That's capitalism at its worst!
But what bewilders me is why Mr Tongkat Ali have got so much hatred for another tribe? Can anyone enlighten me? Did he have a disturbed childhood?
I am trying to understand the pscyhe of Tongkat Ali. What drives people like him to spew continous hatred against another? Is it for the want of attention ? The adrenaline rush? Branding and positioning for economic gain?
Economic justification?
I believe that for the past 2 months, their agenda was very much in the economic sphere and the protection and continuation of certain special agenda. Will it be more for himself or his tribe? At the exclusion of others? Including those of the same tribe but who does not share their same philosophy?
It seems that everything he says, his tribe MUST be first among equals. He wants pre eminence and everything must be "pre" in all aspects for him. And...he will be the champion for the "pre"s.
Then, a sobering question for Tongkat Ali:
Why can't you define your tribe to include ALL in Malaysia? Why can't you see beyond the pagar of your home, that we have Malaysians of all colours, from Kangar to JB, Port Klang to Kuantan, and of course Sabah and Sarawak.
We can succeed if we pool together - all as one. Just don't look within your own sub-set to define one. Look at MALAYSIA as a whole for the definition of one.
Middle Malaysia is about living together in harmony, and with harmony, we get economic advancement, the pie gets bigger for everyone. By pitting in our skills and strengths together today, we can one day compete against the world.
But we do not need tribalism to get in the way anymore. 30-40 years ago, we were competitive and up and coming. we were the model nation for many newly independent states. Then, we went off tangent a little. We stumbled a bit here and there.
But we shall dust off the setbacks and we shall soar again. We need to undo the bad habits of the past 22 years-oops! or rather the past 30-40 years. But we need to do it together.
Competing as 28 million Malaysians gives us more leverage and competitiveness as opposed to going out there as sub-set 18million, sub-set 7million, sub-set 2million, sub-set 1 million etc..
Mr Tongkat Ali, read my lips.
Spell : M-A-L-A-Y..don't stop..S-I-A !
Zeffri gives his take on why Perkasa have got their admirers - tribalism. He also clearly states his disagreement with their 'struggle' and his reasoning is that tribalism was in vogue when Man was in awe of the thunder. Not anymore now in the age of fibre optics and HD.
His article is exactly what we all in Middle Malaysia subscribe to , but just plain lazy, tidak apa or powerless to swim against the mainstream media spin.
You have to give it to him - Mr Tongkat Ali - couple of acres of extra balak were chopped down to print the newspapers that were selling well with stories of his tribal struggle.
I am not against any race or religion. I am just against people using race or religion to create divisions, enmity or hatred against another. And I am especially allergic to people who use race or religion as justification to promote and market themselves. That's capitalism at its worst!
But what bewilders me is why Mr Tongkat Ali have got so much hatred for another tribe? Can anyone enlighten me? Did he have a disturbed childhood?
I am trying to understand the pscyhe of Tongkat Ali. What drives people like him to spew continous hatred against another? Is it for the want of attention ? The adrenaline rush? Branding and positioning for economic gain?
Economic justification?
I believe that for the past 2 months, their agenda was very much in the economic sphere and the protection and continuation of certain special agenda. Will it be more for himself or his tribe? At the exclusion of others? Including those of the same tribe but who does not share their same philosophy?
It seems that everything he says, his tribe MUST be first among equals. He wants pre eminence and everything must be "pre" in all aspects for him. And...he will be the champion for the "pre"s.
Then, a sobering question for Tongkat Ali:
Why can't you define your tribe to include ALL in Malaysia? Why can't you see beyond the pagar of your home, that we have Malaysians of all colours, from Kangar to JB, Port Klang to Kuantan, and of course Sabah and Sarawak.
We can succeed if we pool together - all as one. Just don't look within your own sub-set to define one. Look at MALAYSIA as a whole for the definition of one.
Middle Malaysia is about living together in harmony, and with harmony, we get economic advancement, the pie gets bigger for everyone. By pitting in our skills and strengths together today, we can one day compete against the world.
But we do not need tribalism to get in the way anymore. 30-40 years ago, we were competitive and up and coming. we were the model nation for many newly independent states. Then, we went off tangent a little. We stumbled a bit here and there.
But we shall dust off the setbacks and we shall soar again. We need to undo the bad habits of the past 22 years-oops! or rather the past 30-40 years. But we need to do it together.
Competing as 28 million Malaysians gives us more leverage and competitiveness as opposed to going out there as sub-set 18million, sub-set 7million, sub-set 2million, sub-set 1 million etc..
Mr Tongkat Ali, read my lips.
Spell : M-A-L-A-Y..don't stop..S-I-A !
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